samedi 9 avril 2011

Press review (April 9, 2011) – Revue de presse (9 avril 2011)

US court hears appeal in key gene patent case
A US appeals court heard arguments Monday in a closely watched case involving a pharmaceutical firm's patent of two genes linked to cancer. The case was brought by Myriad Genetics, which is appealing a March 2010 ruling invalidating its seven patents on the genes dubbed BRCA1 and BRCA2, mutations of which have been linked to cancers of the breast and ovary.

Etats-Unis: l'invalidation de brevets sur 2 gènes liés au cancer examinée en appel
L'invalidation par un juge en 2010 de brevets portant sur deux gènes liés au cancer du sein a été examinée lundi par une cour fédérale qui, si elle confirmait ce jugement, pourrait modifier la législation en matière de propriété intellectuelle appliquée à la recherche sur les gènes.

Ovarian Cancer Prognosis May Depend on Gene Mutations
Ovarian cancer patients with the BRCA2 gene mutation are more likely to survive than those with the BRCA1 mutation or patients without either mutation, a new study finds.

Breast Milk May Be Used To Assess Risk Of Breast Cancer, Study Shows
Newborns might not be the only ones who can reap the benefits of breast milk. A new study suggests a nursing mother's milk may be used to detect a woman's risk of developing breast cancer.
In Huffington Post

Making Sense of Hormone Therapy After Menopause  
This week a government-sponsored study allayed many women's fears about the health risks of hormone therapy after menopause, finding that estrogen-only therapy may be less dangerous than previously thought. So, taken together, what does the evidence on hormone therapy mean for thousands of menopausal women?
By Alice Park. In Time

Booze: Is it friend or foe?
The link between alcohol and cancer has been made starkly clear by a report in the British Medical Journal.
By James Gallagher. In BBC News

FDA approves first drug for form of thyroid cancer
The drug, vandetanib, helped stall the disease's progression for an average of six months, the Food and Drug Administration says..
By Andrew Zajac. In Los Angeles Times

L'alcool à l'origine d'un cancer sur 10 chez les hommes en Europe
10% des cancers chez l'homme et 3% chez la femme sont attribuables à l'alcool, montre une étude dans huit pays d'Europe occidentale publiée vendredi en ligne par le British Medical Journal (BMJ)..

Prostate cancer screening has no effect on survival  
In a 20 year follow up study screening for prostate cancer was found to have no effect on mortality, reports a Swedish study in the British Medical Journal.
By Janet Fricker. In Pour la Science

Le dépistage organisé du cancer du sein en léger recul 
Négligence, manque de temps, peur de savoir, préférence pour le dépistage individuel. Quelles qu'en soient les raisons, le dépistage organisé du cancer du sein marque un léger recul, pour la première fois depuis sa généralisation à l'ensemble du pays.
Par Brigitte Castelnau. AFP

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