World Health Organization: Cellphones are possibly carcinogenic to humans
The headline originally stated the WHO said cell phones were carcinogenic. They are possibly carcinogenic. Melissa still recommends a nice headset.
By Melissa Bell. In Washington Post (blog)
Bowel cancer numbers soar among young
Recent rising international figures prompted The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare to investigate local bowel cancer rates. The figures, released on Wednesday, found incidences of bowel cancer among all age groups had increased.
By Nicky Park. In Sydney Morning Herald
Why Factor 15 sunscreen is not enough to prevent the risk of skin cancer
The official advice given to sun-bathers to use factor 15 sunscreen is insufficient, a top doctor has warned. If people wish to prevent sunburn and the risk of skin cancer, they should slap on factor 30, said Dr Ike Iheanacho, editor of the influential Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin.
By Jenny Hope. In Daily Mail
New breast cancer guidelines seen as unsafe: poll
More than eight out of 10 women say new guidelines recommending against routine breast cancer screening of women under 50 are "unsafe," according to an opinion poll. But most of the women also seriously overestimate their risk of developing the disease, researchers from the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester found.
By Elaine Lies. Reuters
Report deals blow to fatigue sufferers
Two years ago, patients with chronic fatigue syndrome felt vindicated by a study in a leading scientific journal that linked their ailment to a virus. At long last, there was strong evidence their symptoms were not imagined.
By Deborah Kotz. In Boston Globe
Popular Blood Pressure Meds Not Linked to Cancer, FDA Says
A class of drugs widely used to treat high blood pressure doesn't boost the risk of cancer, as a recent analysis suggested, US health authorities announced Thursday.
By Amanda Gardner. In U.S. News & World Report
Roche's Tarceva helps lung cancer patients
Roche cancer drug Tarceva nearly doubles the time patients with a distinct type of lung cancer live without their disease getting worse, a late-stage trial showed on Friday.
By Katie Reid & David Holmes. Reuters
Triple-negative breast cancer: drug trial to start
A drug for a particularly hard to treat form of breast cancer will soon be in clinical trials after scientists isolated the genes that spur its growth.
By Stephen Adams. In
14 genetic variants are shown to be associated with breast cancer risk
Some 14 variants in nine genes have been found to have moderate to strong evidence for an association with a risk of breast cancer, and further evaluation of these variants is warranted, a new study has concluded.
Irish Medical Times
Pfizer files for EU approval of kidney cancer drug
Pfizer said European regulators have accepted its approval application for axitinib in patients with a certain type of advanced kidney cancer. Pfizer will present full data from the late-stage trial, on which the submission is based, at a meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology starting later this week.
By Esha Dey & Roshni Menon. Reuters
Origins of XMRV deciphered, undermining claims for a role in human disease
Delineation of the origin of the retrovirus known as XMRV from the genomes of laboratory mice indicates that the virus is unlikely to be responsible for either prostate cancer or chronic fatigue syndrome in humans, as has been widely published. The virus arose because of genetic recombination of two mouse viruses. Subsequent infection of lab experiments with XMRV formed the basis of the original association.
National Institutes of Health (press release)
Pour l'OMS, le téléphone portable peut être cancérogène
Le groupe d'experts réunis par le Centre international de recherche sur le cancer (CIRC), qui fait partie de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), a classé comme "cancérogènes possibles" les champs électromagnétiques de radiofréquence, y compris ceux de la téléphonie mobile.
Par Paul Benkimoun. Dans Le Monde
Cancer du poumon: le Tarceva double la période sans progression de la maladie
Le groupe pharmaceutique suisse Roche a annoncé que son médicament Tarceva doublait quasiment la période sans progression de certaines formes de cancer du poumon, selon les résultats d'une étude publiée vendredi.
Des millions de patients souffrent inutilement de la douleur, selon HRW
Des dizaines de millions de personnes n'ont pas accès aux médicaments peu dispendieux qui leur permettraient de combattre efficacement leur douleur, a déploré jeudi l'organisme newyorkais de défense des droits de la personne Human Rights Watch (HRW).
Dans La Presse Canadienne
Bronzage: la Nouvelle-Écosse impose des restrictions aux personnes mineures
La décision de la Nouvelle-Écosse d'imposer des restrictions aux personnes mineures pour l'utilisation des lits de bronzage est saluée par le Réseau mélanome Canada. Aucune autre province au Canada n'a été aussi loin. Le Réseau mélanome Canada a souligné la décision de la Nouvelle-Écosse dans le cadre de la Semaine nationale de prudence au soleil. Sa présidente, Annette Cyr, est d'avis que d'autres provinces devraient aussi s'engager à adopter des mesures semblables pour protéger les jeunes.
Dans La Presse Canadienne
La pénurie des médicaments tue aussi
En Algérie, les cancéreux meurent tous les jours. De la maladie, mais surtout de la mauvaise gestion et de la négligence des autorités. Le ministère peut toujours nier : sur trente pays qui apparaissent dans un classement de lutte contre le cancer réalisé par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé, concernant quatre pathologies de cancer, l’Algérie figure au dernier rang.
De Lamia Tagzout. Dans El Watan
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