samedi 5 novembre 2011

Press review (November 5, 2011) – Revue de presse (5 novembre 2011)

Axitinib Looks Good in Head-to-Head Renal Cancer Trial‎
The second-generation targeted agent axitinib was better at preventing kidney cancer progression than the older drug sorafenib (Nexavar) in a randomized trial, researchers found.
By Michael Smith. In MedPageToday

Data Links High Doses of Bone Drug to Cancer
A Medtronic product, when used in high doses during spinal fusion procedures, might increase patient cancer risks, according to data released Thursday at a national conference of spine surgeons.
By Barry Meier. In The New York Times

Key To Fighting Cancer Is To Stay Active
Decades of research have produced a simple, clear message: Being active is healthy, and physical inactivity is not. Exercise is necessary to stay fit and to stave off America's biggest killers – heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
By Carrie Gann. ABC News

ASCO Unveils New Vision for Transforming Cancer Research
Although there has been tremendous progress in cancer care during the past 40 years, there is still much to be done to improve patient survival. In a new report, the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) has issued a detailed "prescription" for transforming clinical research and increasing the pace of drug development.
By Roxanne Nelson. In Medscape

Common Breast Cancer Gene Test May Be Flawed, Study Says
A widely used breast cancer test may not be accurate in identifying a gene that is critical in determining which life-saving treatment a woman should get.
By Amanda Gardner. In U.S. News & World Report

Embryonic signal drives pancreatic cancer and offers a way to kill it
Pancreatic cancer is a particularly challenging one to beat; it has a tendency to spread and harbors cancer stem cells that stubbornly resist conventional approaches to therapy. Now, researchers reporting in Cell Stem Cell, have evidence to suggest there is a way to kill off those cancer stem cells. The target is a self-renewal pathway known for its role not in cancer but in embryonic stem cells.
In ecancermedicalscience

Cancer risk doubles after organ transplant, study finds‎‎
Organ transplant recipients in the United States double their risk of developing cancer compared to the general population. And that risk is elevated for 32 different types of cancer, according to new research.
By Serena Gordon. In USA Today

FDA says drugs approved in US before Europe
Americans in the past year got access to 24 new medicines before they became available anywhere else, U.S. drug regulators said as they seek to show they are doing enough to promote medical innovation.
By John Gress and Lisa Von Ahn. In Reuters

Lung cancer patients with high EGFR expression live longer with cetuximab treatment
Patients with the most common form of lung cancer whose tumours express high levels of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) are more likely to benefit from cetuximab treatment and live longer compared with those given chemotherapy alone, according to a study published in The Lancet Oncology.
In ecancermedicalscience

Même une faible consommation d'alcool accroît le risque de cancer du sein
Consommer de trois à six verres de vin par semaine accroîtrait le risque de cancer du sein de 15% selon une étude dont les résultats sont publiés mardi dans le Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

Cancer : Un problème de santé publique
Initié par l’Association internationale de lutte contre le cancer, un atelier regroupe depuis hier jeudi les médecins du Mali (toute spécialisations confondues) autour de la prise en charge de cette maladie.
Par David Dembele. Dans Le Journal du Mali

Le cancer devient le pire ennemi des Canadiens‎‎
Pour la première fois, le cancer est devenu la principale cause de décès au Canada en 2008. L'année précédente, le cancer était la première cause de décès à travers le pays sauf à l'Ile-du-Prince-Édouard et dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest.

L'aspirine réduit le taux de cancer colorectal chez des sujets à haut risque
La prise d'aspirine à long terme préviendrait le cancer colorectal chez des personnes à très haut risque héréditaire, selon une étude publiée vendredi, montrant chez elles une réduction de plus de moitié du nombre de cas observés.

Le vaccin anti-papillomavirus humains préviendrait le cancer anal‎
Le vaccin contre les papillomavirus humains (HPV), transmis sexuellement et responsables de nombreux cancers utérins, s'est avéré efficace pour prévenir des infections et lésions anales pré-cancéreuses chez des hommes homosexuels, selon une étude clinique publiée mercredi.

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