Divide Persists in Breast Cancer
cancer survival is, over all, three years shorter for black women compared with
white women, mostly because their cancer is often more advanced when they first
seek medical care, new research shows.
By Tara Parker-Pope. In New York Times (blog)
Smart Knife
Sniffs Out Cancer Cells.
surgeons can't determine the edges of a tumor, it's a problem. Cut too much,
and they risk hurting the patient. Cut too little, and they may leave stray
cancer cells behind. Now, researchers have developed a surgical knife that can
sniff the smoke made as it cuts tissue, almost instantly detecting whether
cells are cancerous or healthy.
By Jocelyn Kaiser. In Science AAAS
impact of p53 in predicting clinical outcome of breast cancer patients with
visceral metastasis
the study, we analyzed role of p53 in predicting outcome in visceral metastasis
breast cancer (VMBC) patients. 97 consecutive VMBC patients were studied. P53
positivity rate was 29.9%. In the p53-negative group, median disease free
survival (DFS), and time from primary breast cancer diagnosis to death (OS1),
time from metastases to death (OS2) were 25, 42.5, and 13.5 months,
respectively. In the p53-positive group, they were 10, 22, and 8 months,
respectively. Statistically significant differences in DFS and OS1 were
detected between the p53-negative and p53-positive subtypes. However, p53
appears to have no influence on OS2. In Cox regression analysis, p53 expression
and TNM stage were predictive factors of DFS. In the multivariate analysis, p53
expression and the duration of DFS correlated with OS1, but not for OS2. Taken
together, our data indicate p53 showing predicting role in OS1 for VMBC, but
not for OS2.
By P. Yang,
C. W. Du, M. Kwan, S. X. Liang & G. J. Zhang. In Nature
Scientists Reach Holy Grail in Label-Free Cancer Marker Detection: Single
months after setting a record for detecting the smallest single virus in
solution, researchers at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University
(NYU-Poly) have announced a new breakthrough: They used a nano-enhanced version
of their patented microcavity biosensor to detect a single cancer marker
protein, which is one-sixth the size of the smallest virus, and even smaller
molecules below the mass of all known markers.
In Science
Daily (press release)
Linked to Cancer Growth May Lead to Cure
believe the protein could help improve immunotherapy treatments.
By Allie Bidwell. In U.S. News & World Report
Cancer : une stratégie pour affamer
les tumeurs
Les cellules tumorales, qui se divisent
rapidement, ont de gros besoins en nutriments et peinent à les trouver. Une
équipe britannique vient de découvrir comment elles s'adaptent à ce stress
nutritionnel permanent. Ce mécanisme, bâti autour de la protéine EEF2K,
pourrait devenir la cible de traitements qui feraient mourir de faim les
cellules cancéreuses.
Par Agnès Roux. Dans Futura Sciences
Des cancers du poumon liés à la
pollution atmosphérique
Le cancer du fumeur pourrait aussi
être lié à la pollution atmosphérique. Bien que le tabac reste le principal
facteur de risque de cancer du poumon, une vaste étude vient de montrer que les
microparticules retrouvées dans l’air ambiant étaient fortement associées au
développement de tumeurs pulmonaires.
Par Janlou Chaput. Dans Futura Sciences
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