samedi 28 avril 2012

Press Review (April 28, 2012) – Revue de presse (28 avril 2012)

Healthy Behaviors Extend Life After Cancer, Experts Say
Eating well, exercising and maintaining normal weight boost survival, American Cancer Society finds.
By Jenifer Goodwin. In U.S. News & World Report

Aspirin after bowel cancer diagnosis reduces chance of dying by 30 per cent
Taking aspirin after being diagnosed with bowel cancer can reduce the chance of dying from the disease by 30 per cent, new research shows today.
In Cancer Research UK (press release)

FDA approves Glaxo cancer drug Votrient‎‎
U.S. regulators gave the nod to GlaxoSmithKline Plc's Votrient for a type of sarcoma on Thursday, following a positive advisory panel vote last month.
In Reuters.

FDA rejects Amgen's application for Xgeva
U.S. health regulators rejected the application by Amgen Inc, the world's biggest biotechnology company, to expand the use of the drug Xgeva to delay the spread of tumors to the bone in patients suffering from advanced prostate cancer.
In Reuters.

Gene Critical to Development and Spread of Lung Cancer Identified‎
A single gene that promotes initial development of the most common form of lung cancer and its lethal metastases has been identified by researchers at Mayo Clinic in Florida. Their study suggests other forms of cancer may also be driven by this gene, matrix metalloproteinase-10 (MMP-10).
In Science Daily

Post-cancer fatigue “overestimated"
Despite widespread belief to the contrary, as few as 6% of women experience cancer-related persistent fatigue a year after undergoing treatment for breast cancer, a new study has found.
In ScienceAlert

Stanford Web tool helps patients weigh cancer risk
Four years ago, Raychel Kubby Adler opted to have a prophylactic double mastectomy because of a genetic mutation that gave her an 87 percent lifetime chance of developing breast cancer. Now, the mother of two daughters and a wellness coach in Davis is considering having her ovaries removed.
By Victoria Colliver. In San Francisco Chronicle

Fewer Complications, Better Outcomes With Robot-Assisted Prostate Cancer Surgery‎
Robot-assisted surgery is now both more common and far more successful than radical "open" surgery to treat prostate cancer in the United States, according to a new Henry Ford Hospital study published in the current issue of the medical journal European Urology.
In Science Daily

Cancer: Choosing Quality of Life Over Aggressive Treatment
Amy Berman was diagnosed with terminal inflammatory breast cancer 18 months ago. To preserve her quality of life, Berman decided against aggressive treatment of her disease in favor of palliative care.
By Amy Berman. In Washington Post

Anxiety increases cancer severity in mice, study shows‎
Worrywarts, fidgety folk and the naturally nervy may have a real cause for concern: accelerated cancer. In a new study led by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine, anxiety-prone mice developed more severe cancer then their calm counterparts.
In Science Daily

Pourquoi les hommes ont plus de cancers que les femmes‎
Les hommes sont les premières victimes des cancers. Et comme le montre une récente étude, le constat s'applique à tous les types de cancers. Seules exceptions : ceux qui touchent les organes génitaux (utérus...) et la thyroïde.
Par Didier Raoult. Dans Le Point

Cancer de la prostate L'espoir des ultrasons‎
Des résultats prometteurs ont été obtenus en Grande-Bretagne sur 41 patients présentant une petite tumeur localisée.
Sur El Watan

Des images 3D des tissus pour repérer et traiter le cancer‎
Un dépistage plus précoce du cancer serait possible grâce à une nouvelle technique d’imagerie en 3D. Dans leur publication du American Journal of Pathology, ils décrivent leur méthode de microscopie digitale.
Dans Maxi-Sciences

Cancer du sein : pas une, mais dix maladies différentes‎
Identifiées par des chercheurs de Cambridge, ces formes nécessitent chacune un traitement particulier.
Par Damien Mascret. Dans Le Figaro

Cancer de la prostate: le dépistage sanguin sans intérêt‎
Nouvel élément d’importance dans la controverse  sur les modalités pratiques du dépistage du cancer de la prostate: le dépistage régulier (par voie sanguine) ne présente pas de véritable intérêt, et ce y compris chez les hommes considérés comme étant «à haut risque» pour cette lésion maligne.

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