Yan Leyfman was born in Belarus in 1989, three years after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. His family lived only about 75 miles from the nuclear plant, and as a toddler, Mr. Leyfman had a constellation of mysterious symptoms: cysts that covered his entire body, fingernails that fell out, limbs that were swollen and skin that itched torturously.
By Lisa W. Foderaro. In The New-York Times
Impact of Smoking on Breast Cancer Risk Greater Than Thought
The impact of smoking on breast cancer might be larger than previously assumed. A large prospective study of healthy women at higher risk for breast cancer confirmed — as had been previously reported — the cancer risk associated with smoking and fitness, but found that the impact of smoking was even greater than had been demonstrated in other studies.
By Roxanne Nelson. In Medscape
Scientists confirm direct link between bowel cancer and red meat consumption
A new report described as "the most authoritative ever" to confirm the link between red meat and the risk of developing bowel cancer has experts around the world sounding the alarm on keeping meat consumption to a minimum.
In The Independent
Cancer Patients Benefit From Full Access to Medical Records
Cancer patients who are given full access to their medical records feel a greater sense of satisfaction about their treatment, a new study finds. The French researchers also found that providing comprehensive and accurate medical information built trust between patient and doctor.
In U.S. News & World Report
Drugs and Profits
Last year the Food and Drug Administration rescinded approval of the drug Avastin for treating breast cancer patients, prompting a firestorm of criticism. The decision was denounced by some politicians as health care rationing, and by breast cancer patients who feared that they would be deprived of a drug that they felt had helped them immensely. But these criticisms ignore the facts: Avastin was rejected simply because it didn’t work as it was supposed to, and the F.D.A. should resist the aggressive campaign by Genentech, the drug’s maker, to get that ruling reconsidered at a hearing in late June
.By Frederick C. Tucker Jr. In The New-York Times
British prostate cancer drug extends life by four months
Abiraterone acetate, a drug developed by British researchers can give sufferers of advanced prostate cancer an extra four months to live.
By Martin Beckford. In Telegraph.co.uk
Oncologists hold key to curbing cancer costs
The cost of cancer care is threatening to bankrupt our healthcare system. New drugs are prolonging life, but at staggering costs. This coupled with aging baby boomers and an increasing population mean the U.S. will spend $173 billion annually on cancer care by the year 2020. This trend is not sustainable; however, there are evidence-based ways to maintain or improve the quality of care while saving money for the new therapies being discovered every day.
In EurekAlert
Blue light tool could save lives of patients suffering from oral cancer: study
A device that emits a blue light is giving patients undergoing surgery for oral cancer a fighting chance at survival and Canada is at the forefront of research that could have a global impact, researchers say.
By Camille Bains. In The Canadian Press
Lifeline to blood cancer patients
Patients with a rare blood cancer have learned a new drug that can prolong remission is to be made available on the NHS in England and Wales. Here, one man explains the realities of living with the cancer.
By Helen Briggs. BBC Newss
Des parabènes dans 400 médicaments : tous toxiques ?
Une liste de 400 médicaments couramment utilisés qui contiendraient des parabènes a été révélée par un grand quotidien.
Par Claire Peltier. Dans Futura Sciences
Le rapport qui démystifie l'alimentation "anticancer"
Pour l'Agence française de sécurité sanitaire des aliments, le seul secret réside dans une alimentation variée et équilibrée.
De Chloé Durand-Parenti. Dans Le Point
Débats passionnés sur les risques cancérigènes des téléphones portables
Plusieurs dizaines d'experts internationaux, réunis à Lyon sous l'oeil vigilant et soupçonneux d'associations, et en présence des industriels, vont essayer d'établir si les téléphones portables et les antennes-relais peuvent faire courir des risques de cancer.
Par Christine Courcol. AFP
Les dix causes du cancer du sein
On a découvert en France, en 2010, 70.000 nouveaux cas de cancer du sein. Ils étaient 7.000 en 1975, 35.000 en 1995, 42.000 en 2000, 46.000 en 2005… Cette localisation du cancer tue chaque année en France environ 12.000 femmes, malheureusement de plus en plus jeunes, avant et autour de 50 ans. C’est la première cause de mortalité chez les femmes de 35 à 55 ans. Elle représente près de 20 % de leur décès.
Carte blanche à : Henri Joyeux. Dans Futura Sciences
Cancer de l'utérus : augmenter le triage, réduire la mortalité
Le cancer du col de l'utérus reste l'une des premières causes de décès féminin par cancer au Vietnam. Le "triage" sélectif appliqué au dépistage précoce du cancer du col utérin est important pour réduire le taux de mortalité causé par cette maladie.
Par Huong Linh. Dans Courier du Vietnam
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