samedi 21 juillet 2012

Press Review (July 21, 2012) – Revue de presse (21 juillet 2012)

Questioning Surgery for Early Prostate Cancer‎‎‎
A new study shows that prostate cancer surgery, which often leaves men impotent or incontinent, does not appear to save the lives of men with early-stage disease, who account for most cases, and many of these men would do just as well to choose no treatment at all.
By Tara Parker-Pope. In The New York Times (blog)

Genetic Aberrations Seen as Path to Stop Colon Cancer‎
More than 200 researchers investigating colon cancer tumors have found genetic vulnerabilities that could lead to powerful new treatments. The hope is that drugs designed to strike these weak spots will eventually stop a cancer that is now almost inevitably fatal once it has spread.
By Gina Kolata. In The New York Times

Serious side effects more likely in new cancer drugs‎‎
Many new cancer drugs may come at a price - including a higher risk of diarrhea, skin problems and high blood pressure, according to an analysis of studies used to get those medications approved.
By Genevra Pittman. In Reuters

Fukushima increases risk of cancer – but not by much‎
Radiation from Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant will lead to deaths from cancer – but so few that proving a link with the nuclear accident could be impossible.
By Sara Reardon. In New Scientist

Why Having a Large Baby May Raise Your Risk of Breast Cancer‎‎‎‎
New research shows that women who have larger babies have more than twice the risk of breast cancer, compared with mothers who give birth to smaller infants. What's the connection?
By Alice Park. In TIME

Cervical Cancer Spotted Later in Women Without Health Insurance‎‎
Study found lack of coverage predicted more advanced disease.
In U.S. News & World Report

Breast cancer metastasis to bone driven by stress, researchers report‎
Stress can promote breast cancer cell colonization of bone, Vanderbilt Center for Bone Biology investigators have discovered.
By Anne Seccombe. In The Examiner

Cancer and Injuries More Likely in People With Serious Mental Illness‎‎
People with serious mental illness -- schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and disabling depression -- are 2.6 times more likely to develop cancer than the general population, new Johns Hopkins research suggests.
In Science Daily

Deadly Liver Cancer May Be Triggered by Cells Changing Identity‎‎‎
A rare type of cancer thought to derive from cells in the bile ducts of the liver may actually develop when one type of liver cell morphs into a totally different type, a process scientists used to consider all but impossible. UCSF researchers triggered this kind of cellular transformation -- and caused tumors to form in mice -- by activating just two genes.
In Science Daily

Cancers et essais nucléaires : un rapport établit un lien vraisemblable‎
Selon le spécialiste Florent de Vathaire, les retombées radioactives des essais nucléaires français au Sahara et en Polynésie sont possiblement à l’origine de certains cas de cancer chez des militaires et des professionnels du nucléaire. Le lien ne pourra pourtant jamais être établi avec certitude.
Par Janlou Chaput. Dans Futura-Sciences

Cancer du col : se faire vacciner protège les autres‎‎ ‎‎
La vaccination contre le papillomavirus humain protège dans une même population les femmes immunisées mais aussi celles qui ne le sont pas.
Par Vincent Delfau. Dans Le Figaro

Des nanoparticules d'or contre le cancer de la prostate‎
Testé en laboratoire, ce traitement aurait moins d'inconvénients que la chimiothérapie.
Par Jean-Luc Nothias. Dans Le Figaro

L'Avastin n'améliore pas la survie globale dans le cancer du sein avancé
Selon une revue systématique de la Cochrane Library, l'antiangiogénique, anticorps monoclonal anti-VEFG, bévacizumab (Avastin®, Roche) offre un bénéfice modeste en termes de survie sans progression et aucun bénéfice en termes de survie globale chez les patientes atteints d'un cancer du sein métastatique qui le reçoivent en association avec une chimiothérapie classique.
Par Aude Lecrubier. Dans Medscape France

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