Study Points
to Shorter Treatments for Prostate Cancer
Men with
high-risk prostate cancer treated with only 18 months of hormone therapy live
just as long as those treated for a more standard 36 months, a new study has
By Andrew Pollack. In The New York
Faults Priorities in Studying Breast Cancer
Too little
of the money the federal government spends on breast cancer research goes toward
finding environmental causes of the disease and ways to prevent it, according
to a new report from a group of scientists, government officials and patient
advocates established by Congress to examine the research.
By Denise Grady. In The New York
Central to Cancer Stem Cell Formation Provides New Potential Target
have identified a pivotal protein in a cellular transformation that makes a
cancer cell more resistant to treatment and more capable of growing and
spreading, making it an inviting new target for drug development.
In Science Daily
Cancer Survivors Who Received Chest Irradiation at Risk for Pulmonary
Hypertension in Middle Age
St. Jude
Children's Research
Hospital investigators
found evidence that chest irradiation may leave some adult survivors of
childhood cancer in danger of developing pulmonary hypertension in middle age.
In Science Daily
Lung cancer
set to overtake breast cancer as the main cause of cancer deaths among European
Lung cancer
is likely to overtake breast cancer as the main cause of cancer death among
European women by the middle of this decade, according to new research
published in the cancer journal Annals of Oncology [1] today (Wednesday). In
the UK and Poland it has
already overtaken breast cancer as the main cause of cancer deaths in women.
In EurekAlert
(press release)
Cancer Drugs May Drive Bone Tumors
Cancer drugs
should kill tumors, not encourage their spread. But new evidence suggests that
an otherwise promising class of drugs may actually increase the risk of tumors
spreading to bone, according to researchers at Washington
University School
of Medicine in St. Louis .
In Science Daily
Discover Biological Diversity in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
breast cancers are more biologically diverse than previously believed and
classification should be expanded to reflect this heterogeneity, according to University of North Carolina researchers.
In Science Daily
depletion therapy keeps high-risk triple-negative breast cancer at bay
anti-copper drug compound that disables the ability of bone marrow cells from
setting up a "home" in organs to receive and nurture migrating cancer
tumor cells has shown surprising benefit in one of the most difficult-to-treat
forms of cancer -- high-risk triple-negative breast cancer.
In EurekAlert
(press release)
Bacteria Linked to Gastric Cancer
In an
analysis of the results of interventions to eradicate the bacterium
Helicobacter pylori (a risk factor for gastric cancer) in seven diverse
community populations in Latin America, researchers found that geographic site,
demographic factors, adherence to initial therapy and infection recurrence may
be as important as the choice of antibiotic regimen in H pylori eradication
interventions, according to a study appearing in the February 13 issue of JAMA.
In Science Daily
Le cancer du poumon explose chez la
En 2015, le cancer du poumon tuera
plus de femmes en Europe que le cancer du sein. Ce sombre pronostic est issu de
projections publiées mercredi dans les Annals of Oncology.
Par Delphine Chayet. Dans Le Figaro
Amiante : 18 000 à 25 000 décès par cancer de la plèvre
d'ici 2030
Le pic des décès dus au mésothéliome (cancer de la plèvre)
aurait en fait déjà été atteint, selon des travaux réalisés par l'InVS en
partenariat avec le Centre d'épidémiologie sur les causes médicales de décès
(CépiDc) de l'Inserm.
Dans Le Point
Cancer : un virus modifié suscite
l'espoir d'un nouveau traitement
Un virus génétiquement modifié pour
cibler les cellules tumorales vient de montrer qu’il augmentait
significativement l’espérance de vie de patients en phase terminale du cancer
du foie. Nommé Pexa-Vec et testé également pour d’autres cancers, il semblerait
là encore plutôt efficace. Si tout se passe bien, il pourrait être proposé
d’ici 5 ans.
Dans Futura Sciences
Des nanoparticules d'or radioactives
contre le cancer
Les noyaux d’hélium produits par
radioactivité alpha sont très efficaces pour tuer des cellules cancéreuses. Ils
le sont malheureusement aussi pour tuer les cellules saines, ce qui a jusqu’ici
posé problème pour lutter contre les cancers. On apprend comment contourner
l'obstacle grâce aux nanotechnologies : en utilisant des nanoparticules d’or.
Dans Futura Sciences
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