vendredi 1 février 2013

Press Review (February 2, 2013) – Revue de presse (2 février 2013)

Celsion's liver cancer therapy fails to meet late-stage trial goal
Celsion Corp said a late-stage study of its experimental liver cancer treatment ThermoDox did not meet the main goal of increasing patients' survival without their cancer worsening.
In Reuters

RNA Fragments May Yield Rapid, Accurate Cancer Diagnosis
A new method to noninvasively diagnose cancer and monitor its progression could eliminate the need for painful and sometimes life-threatening biopsies.
By William Ferguson. In Scientific American

When It Comes to Breast Cancer, Less May Be More!
It may seem counter intuitive, but even when it come to breast cancer treatment, the saying may stand: Less is more!.
By Leigh Vinocur. In Huffington Post

New Target to Stop Cancer's Spread
Disrupting a key interaction between two types of proteins in cells inhibits the spread of cancerous cells, providing researchers with a new pathway toward developing cancer-fighting drugs, according to new findings by Georgia State University scientists.
In Science Daily

How the tilt of a cell-surface receptor prevents cancer
Clear communication between cells is essential to every aspect of the body's internal function. But since cells can't talk, or send emails, how do they communicate?
In EurekAlert (press release)

Lumpectomy With Radiation Linked With Better Breast Cancer Survival Rates Than Mastectomy: Study
A new study from Duke University researchers shows that early stage breast cancer patients may actually fare better if they don't undergo surgery to have their breasts removed, and instead undergo a less-invasive treatment.
In Huffington Post

'Master' Proto-Oncogene Regulates Stress-Induced Ovarian Cancer Metastasis
Scientists at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center have discovered the signaling pathway whereby a master regulator of cancer cell proteins -- known as Src -- leads to ovarian cancer progression when exposed to stress hormones. The researchers report in the current issue of Nature Communications that beta blocker drugs mitigate this effect and reduce cancer deaths by an average of 17 percent.
In Science Daily

Qi Gong Could Improve Breast Cancer Patients' Quality Of Life
An ancient Chinese practice could make life better for women undergoing treatment for breast cancer, according to a small new study.
In Huffington Post

Deep-Fried Foods Associated With Higher Prostate Cancer Risk
Here's news that might make you want to take it easy on the fries.
In Huffington Post

Traitement du cancer : pourrait-on faire beaucoup mieux ?
Il serait possible de guérir tous les cancers si la recherche contre cette maladie était moins sclérosée, selon un chercheur.
Par Anne Jeanblanc. Dans Le Point

Bière : Et si elle était un bon remède contre le cancer et le diabète ?
Selon des chercheurs de l'Université de Washington, la bière et ses acides amers, avec modération, ont des effets bénéfiques sur le diabète, certaines formes de cancer, de l'inflammation et peut-être même la perte de poids

Cancer du sein : un bon point pour la tumorectomie au stade précoce
Dans le choix difficile entre tumorectomie et mastectomie au stade précoce, une étude américaine publiée dans Cancer pourrait peser fortement en faveur de la chirurgie conservatrice.
Dans Le Quotidien du Médecin

Le risque de cancer augmente près des usines de déchets électroniques
Les appareils électroniques agrémentent notre quotidien puis s’en vont dans les pays en développement pour y être incinérés. Leur combustion libère des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) cancérigènes. En Chine, le risque de cancer du poumon est 1,6 fois plus important pour les habitants proches des usines de traitement que pour les habitants des villes, pourtant plus polluées, mais par d’autres industries.
Par Delphine Bossy. Dans Futura-Sciences

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