vendredi 8 février 2013

Press Review (February 9, 2013) – Revue de presse (9 février 2013)

Aflibercept Approved for Colorectal Cancer in Europe
Aflibercept (Zaltrap, Regeneron/Sanofi) has been approved in Europe for use in the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer.
By Zosia Chustecka. In Medscape

Compound Stimulates Tumor-Fighting Protein in Cancer Therapy
A compound that stimulates the production of a tumor-fighting protein may improve the usefulness of the protein in cancer therapy, according to a team of researchers, including several from the Penn State Hershey Cancer Institute and College of Medicine.
In Science Daily

Molecular Link Between Metabolism and Breast Cancer
A protein associated with conditions of metabolic imbalance, such as diabetes and obesity, may play a role in the development of aggressive forms of breast cancer, according to new findings by researchers at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health, and their colleagues. Metabolic imbalance is often caused by elevated carbohydrate intake, which can lead to over-activating a molecule called C-terminal binding protein (CtBP). This over-activation, in turn, can increase the risk of breast cancer. Results of their work appeared in Nature Communications, Feb. 5, 2013.
In Science Daily

Tiny capsule effectively kills cancer cells
Scientists create nanoscale vehicle to battle cancer without harming healthy cells.
By Bill Kisliuk. In UC Los Angeles

Cancer in the Developing World: An Under-Prioritized Threat to Health and Development
The rise of hundreds of millions of people out of poverty during the past 50 years is a story of tremendous, unprecedented human progress. A significant factor in this success has been the global community's coordinated effort to tackle serious health and economic barriers, like HIV, malaria, pneumonia, and lack of access to family planning.
By Karl Hofmann. In Huffington Post

Matching Tumors With The Optimal Cancer Drugs
In a new paper,  researchers assess the complete landscape of a cancer's kinome expression and determine which kinases are acting up in a particular tumor.  Since the proteins are relatively easy to target with drugs and plenty of kinase inhibitors already exist, the work shows that those particular kinases can be targeted with drugs and can even lead to potentially combining multiple drugs to target multiple kinases
In Science 2.0

Lower Risk of ER-Negative Breast Cancer Linked to Vegetable Consumption
Consuming more vegetables is associated with a lower risk of estrogen receptor (ER)-negative breast cancer, according to a new study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Researchers from Harvard Medical School did not observe a link between the total fruit and vegetable intake and overall risk of breast cancer or risk of ER-positive breast cancer.
By Anna Azvolinsky. In Cancer Network

RNA promotes metastasis in lung cancer
The vast majority – approximately 80 percent – of our DNA does not code for proteins, yet it gets transcribed into RNA. These RNA molecules are called non-coding and fulfill multiple tasks in the cell. Alongside a well-studied group of small RNAs, there is also a class of so-called long non-coding RNAs consisting of more than 200 nucleotides...
In EurekAlert (press release)

Milk Thistle Extract, Silibinin, Could Help Protect Against Skin Cancer, Studies Show
A bright purple flower could play a role in protecting against skin cancer, according to two new studies.
In Huffington Post

Cancer : les taux de survie s'améliorent... si peu
Une étude portant sur 427 000 cas en France, entre 1989 et 2007, montre que la survie à 5 ans s'améliore légèrement pour la plupart des cancers.
Par Anne Jeanblanc. Dans Le Point

Lutte contre le(s) cancer(s): les défis de la Médecine personnalisée!
La lutte contre le cancer est une illustration parfaite du défi contre la complexité, cher à Edgar Morin. Les progrès de la recherche ont certes permis d'améliorer considérablement la prise en charge des patients cancéreux mais ont aussi révélé qu'il y avait autant de cancers différents que de personnes atteintes. Il existe de nombreux moyens pour une cellule de devenir cancéreuse et si l'on ne connaît pas le cheminement exact conduisant à la tumeur, le traitement risque d'être inadapté ou peu efficace.
Par David Khayat et Frédéric Bizard. Dans Le Huffington Post (Blog)

Peurs, préjugés et idées reçues: des alliés du cancer à combattre!
Le 4 février est la journée mondiale contre le cancer et le thème choisi par l'Union internationale contre le cancer porte, cette année, sur les peurs et les préjugés liés au cancer.
Par Jacqueline Godet. Dans Le Huffington Post (Blog)

Un mécanisme qui bloque la croissance des cellules cancéreuses
Un mécanisme qui stoppe la croissance des cellules cancéreuses, comme si il les privait d'une protéine clé indispensable à leur reproduction, c’est ce qu’a découvert cette équipe de recherche de l’Université de Pittsburgh.
Dans Santé Log

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