'Serial Killer' Immune Cells Put Cancer in Remission
The cancer therapy, described today in two papers in Science Translational Medicine and The New England Journal of Medicine, is based on the idea that the human body is already primed to fight abnormal, dangerous cells. T cells, frontline defenders of the immune system, recognize cells that don't belong in the body—such as bacteria—and set off a cascade of events to kill them.
By Sarah C.P. Williams. In Science AAAS
Music soothes cancer patients
In the most comprehensive international review yet, a team of scientists has found listening to music can reduce pain, lower blood pressure and heart rates in cancer patients.
By Sarah Dingle. In ABC Online
Insomnia, sleep problems common in cancer patients
More than half of cancer patients may suffer insomnia during treatment -- and for some, sleep problems can persist for months afterward, according to a study.
By Elaine Lies. Reuters
Breast cancer drug raises risk of heart problems in older women
The breast cancer drug Herceptin (trastuzumab) increases the risk of heart problems in elderly patients, especially those with a history of heart disease and/or diabetes, a new study says.
In USA Today
Morning smokers may be at higher cancer risk
Smokers who light up right after they wake up in the morning may be at greater risk for lung, head and neck cancers than those who wait longer before having their first cigarette of the day, a new study finds.
By Mary Elizabeth Dallas. In USA Today
More aggressive chemo better for older lung cancer patients
Fit older lung cancer patients would be better treated with a more aggressive form of chemotherapy than they are commonly given, a study indicates.
By Stephen Adams. In Telegraph.co.uk
Ovarian cancer risk gene pinpointed
'Incredibly exciting' find implicates defect in RAD51D gene as hugely increasing the chances of developing ovarian cancer.
By Alok Jha. In The Guardian
Hot Chemotherapy Bath : Patients See Hope, Critics Hold Doubts
This is cancer therapy at its most aggressive, a treatment patients liken to being filleted, disemboweled and then bathed in hot poison.
By Andrew Pollack. In The New-York Times
Dual-action protein better restricts blood vessel formation
Cancer needs blood. In fact, some cancer medications work solely to slow or prevent cancer cells from creating new capillaries, choking off their much-needed blood and nutrient supply to halt the growth of tumors.
In Science Daily (press release)
Cancer : la première cigarette est la plus meurtrière
Les fumeurs qui consomment rapidement après leur réveil s'exposeraient plus que les autres à certains cancers.
Par Jean-David Raynal. Dans Le Point
Un traitement expérimental encourageant contre la leucémie la plus courante
Une équipe de recherche de Pennsylvanie a mis au point un nouveau traitement expérimental contre la leucémie lymphoïde chronique, forme la plus courante du cancer du sang.
Bruxelles: un institut pour étudier les cancers liés à l'environnement est né
A Bruxelles, un nouvel organisme scientifique a vu le jour: l'Institut de recherche européen sur le cancer et l'environnement. Son objectif est d’analyser les cancers liés à l’environnement.
Par Pierre Vandenbulcke & Delphine Wilputte. RTBF
Fumer la pipe à eau est particulièrement dangereux en Suisse
En Suisse, le taux d'agents humectants dans le tabac à narguilé est bien plus élevé qu'ailleurs, ce qui accroît fortement les risques de cancer.
In Le Matin Online
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