Study shows US women get too many Pap tests
A new study from America 's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals that many American women are getting too many unnecessary Pap tests, the screening for cervical cancer.
The Independent
Cancer Drug Shortages Getting Worse, FDA Says
Most doctors opt for screening women for cervical cancer more often than guidelines suggest, according to a new study.
By Steven Reinberg. In U.S. News & World Report
Women Who Drink, Smoke Are Less Likely to Stick With Tamoxifen
Women at high risk for breast cancer who smoke and drink are less likely to stick with a drug regimen meant to prevent cancer, a new study finds.
In U.S. News & World Report
Toxicity of aromatase inhibitors may explain lack of overall survival improvement
The toxicities associated with aromatase inhibitors (AIs) may explain the lack of overall survival improvement compared with tamoxifen, according to a study published in the Journal of The National Cancer Institute.
In ecancermedicalscience
Nickel nanoparticles may contribute to lung cancer
All the excitement about nanotechnology comes down to this: Structures of materials at the scale of billionths of a meter take on unusual properties. Technologists often focus on the happier among these newfound capabilities, but new research by an interdisciplinary team of scientists at Brown University finds that nanoparticles of nickel activate a cellular pathway that contributes to cancer in human lung cells.
In R & D Magazine
PARP Inhibitor Promising in a Wide Range of Ovarian Cancers
The experimental drug olaparib looks like a promising treatment for a wide range of ovarian cancers, not just those associated with BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic mutations, according to a new study published online today in Lancet Oncology.
By Fran Lowry. In Medscape
Why Literally Everyone Has Cancer And What This Means For You
I think it is possible that we might all have cancer. Yes, even you who are reading this column right now. Usually we wonder why someone gets cancer. This is especially true when that someone happens to be you, which was the case for me in late 2009 when I was diagnosed with apparently aggressive prostate cancer at age 42. I never thought cancer would happen to me or at least never at such a young age, but there I was out of the blue: a cancer patient.
By Paul Knoepfler. In Science 2.0
Consumer Reports: Quiz reveals facts and myths about skin cancer
Some thyroid cancer patients with early disease may be given radioactive iodine unnecessarily, while others with more advanced tumors who should get the treatment don't, a new study suggests.
In Washington Post
Bone drug tied to lower colon cancer risk
A new study adds to evidence that bone drugs may play a role in suppressing cancer development, although there is still no proof that taking the medications would stave off malignancies.
By Frederik Joelving. Reuters
Human guinea pigs lend their courage to a golden era of cancer research
A single hereditary error in DNA can cause a key anti-cancer gene to switch off, giving a greater risk of developing cancer.
By Sarah Boseley. In The Guardian
Cancers du sang : une forme modifiée d'ecstasy pour détruire efficacement les tumeurs
Des chercheurs de l'université britannique de Birmingham ont découvert une forme modifiée de l'ecstasy (MDMA), qui serait 100 fois plus efficace pour détruire les cellules cancéreuses que la drogue elle-même. La trouvaille ouvre alors la voie à une possible application thérapeutique.
Dans MaxiSciences
Cancer du sein : des vaisseaux sanguins qui détruisent les tumeurs
Nouvel espoir dans le traitement des cancers du sein : des chercheurs ont découvert des vaisseaux sanguins capables de favoriser le passage dans les cellules cancéreuses de lymphocytes tueurs. Ces lymphocytes, dont le mode d'action était jusque-là mystérieux, peuvent alors détruire la tumeur plus facilement.
Dans Futura-Sciences
Comment prédire la gravité des cancers de la prostate.
Des marqueurs sanguins et urinaires permettent de prédire l'agressivité d'une tumeur, pour adapter les traitements.
Par Sandrine Cabut. Dans Le Figaro
Le cancer expliqué avec des mots simples
« Le Cancer pour les Nuls » ! A première vue, voilà un titre bien léger pour un sujet aussi grave. Les premières pages pourtant, rassurent. Qu’est-ce qu’un cancer ? Comment en réduire le risque ? Quels sont les différents traitements disponibles aujourd’hui ?
Dans Destination Santé
Le vaccin contre le cancer du col de l'utérus protégerait aussi du cancer anal
Un vaccin utilisé pour protéger les jeunes filles contre le cancer du col de l'utérus, dû à des papillomavirus, protège également contre l'infection virale qui peut conduire au développement d'un cancer de l'anus, selon une étude.
Une femme poursuit trois hôpitaux montréalais
Une dame âgée de 55 ans atteinte d'un cancer de l'utérus poursuit trois centres hospitaliers de la grande région de Montréal étant donné les délais de diagnostic et de traitement trop tardifs.
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