Lung cancer linked to risk of stroke
People recently diagnosed with lung cancer are at higher risk of having a stroke than those without lung tumors, suggests a large new study from Taiwan .
By Linda Thrasybule. Reuters
New imaging technique visualizes cancer during surgery
Ovarian cancer is one of the most frequent forms of cancer that affect women. As tumors can initially grow unchecked in the abdomen without causing any major symptoms, patients are usually diagnosed at an advanced stage and have to undergo surgery plus chemotherapy. During the operation, surgeons attempt to remove all tumor deposits as this leads to improved patient prognosis. To do this, however, they primarily have to rely on visual inspection and palpation - an enormous challenge especially in the case of small tumor nests or remaining tumor borders after the primary tumor excision.
In EurekAlert (press release)
Cellular Origin of a Rare Form of Breast Cancer Identified
Identifying the cellular origins of breast cancer might lead to earlier diagnosis and more efficient management of the disease. New research led by Charlotte Kuperwasser of Tufts University School of Medicine (TUSM) has determined that common forms of breast cancer originate from breast cells known as luminal epithelial cells while rarer forms of breast cancer, such as metaplastic carcinomas, originate from basal epithelial cell types. The study was published online ahead of print this week in PNAS Early Edition as part of its breast cancer special feature.
Newswise (press release)
In 40 Years of Cancer Research, How Far Have We Come?
It's been 40 years since President Richard Nixon signed the National Cancer Act in 1971, the historic legislation that focused attention — and perhaps more importantly, government funding — on the need to research and find treatments for cancer.
By Alice Park. In Time
NIH scientists find approach to enhance and prolong immune attack against tumor cells
Investigators have identified a new class of human immune cells that behave like stem cells. These cells, a subtype of T lymphocytes, which comprise a small fraction of white blood cells, may prove more effective than any previously reported type of T cell for treating tumors.
National Institutes of Health (press release)
Factbox: How advanced is stem cell research?
Desperate for a remedy, patients with incurable diseases are admitting themselves into hospitals from China and India to Mexico, Russia and Turkey for "stem cell therapies" that are backed by little or no scientific evidence and at best only experimental.
By Tan Ee Lyn. Reuters
FDA OKs Bone Drug to Prevent Fracture in Certain Cancer Patients
The US Food and Drug Administration has expanded approval for the Amgen bone-building drug Prolia (denosumab) to include prostate cancer or breast cancer patients who are taking certain hormonal therapies.
U.S. News & World Report
Death Rate Higher in Minorities With Acute Leukemia
Yet blacks and Hispanics are less likely to get the disease.
U.S. News & World Report
Cancer Rises in Africa , a Continent Unequipped to Deal With it
Earlier this year, Ann Kim, a freelance journalist on a fellowship from the International Reporting Project, went to Botswana to report on AIDS, where the adult HIV prevalence is 24 percent, the second highest in the world. She found AIDS, but she also found cancer.
By David J. Olson. In Huffington Post (blog)
Novel technique reveals both gene number and protein expression simultaneously
Researchers have discovered a method for simultaneously visualizing gene number and protein expression in individual cells. The fluorescence microscopy technique could permit a detailed analysis of the relationship between gene status and expression of the corresponding protein in cells and tissues, and bring a clearer understanding of cancer and other complex diseases, according to researchers who led the study.
EurekAlert (press release)
Le cancer dû à une irradiation porterait une "signature" de son origine
Comment distinguer cancers dus à une irradiation et cancers spontanés ? Une équipe de chercheurs du Commissariat à l'énergie atomique a découvert de premières signatures moléculaires qui pourraient permettre de savoir si un cancer de la thyroïde est lié ou non à l'accident de Tchernobyl.
« Cancer du pressing » : première mise en examen
Un gérant de pressing utilisant du perchloroéthylène (solvant) est mis en examen pour homicide involontaire. Une première en France.
Par Nolwenn Bouvier. Dans Rue89
Sanofi conserve jusqu'en 2012 l 'exclusivité de l'Eloxatine sur le marché américain
Sanofi-Aventis a annoncé lundi dans un communiqué avoir obtenu de la justice américaine le droit de conserver jusqu'en août 2012 l 'exclusivité aux Etats-Unis de la vente de l'Eloxatine, son médicament contre le cancer colorectal.
Des chercheurs identifient le système des tumeurs cérébrales
Une équipe internationale de chercheurs a découvert que le second type de tumeur maligne cérébrale chez les enfants est l'épendymome. Ces résultats font partie d'une étude moléculaire-génétique sur l'épendymome du cervelet. Présentée dans la revue Cancer Cell, l'étude révèle que d'après les anomalies de leur matériel génétique, l'épendymome du cervelet est classifié en deux sous-groupes distincts: l'épendymome du goupe A et l'épendymome de groupe B. Le premier comprend des caractéristiques négatives tandis que le dernier engendre un pronostic positif.
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