samedi 14 janvier 2012

Press review (January 14, 2012) – Revue de presse (14 janvier 2012)

Discovered: Mutation for Hereditary Prostate Cancer
Occurs in Less Than 2% of Affected Men.
By Nick Mulcahy. In Medscape

Does Deodorant Ingredient Affect Breast Cancer Risk?
Small study finds suspect chemical even in women who never used the product, further muddying the debate.
By Kathleen Doheny. In U.S. News & World Report

New Prostate Cancer Gene Mutation Discovered
After decades of work, researchers have discovered a new gene (HOXB13) variant linked with a higher risk of developing hereditary prostate cancer.
By Catherine Pearson. In Huffington Post

U.S. Life Expectancy Rises as Homicides Hit Lowest Since 1962
U.S. life expectancy climbed to a new high in 2010 as fewer people died from heart disease and cancer, and homicide was no longer among the 15 leading causes of death, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.
By Molly Peterson. In Bloomberg

Uncertainty Over Use of GnRH Agonists in Breast Cancer
Infertility as a result of chemotherapy for breast cancer is not improved with the use of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist (triptorelin), according to a new study.
By Zosia Chustecka. In Medscape Today

Improvements in cancer research
Cancer Research UK Chief Executive Harpal Kumar sheds light on the need for continued research to improve prevention, screening and treatment.
In Public Service

Lab-made tissue picks up the slack of Petri dishes in cancer research
New research demonstrates that previous models used to examine cancer may not be complex enough to accurately mimic the true cancer environment. Using oral cancer cells in a three-dimensional model of lab-made tissue that mimics the lining of the oral cavity, the researchers found that the tissue surrounding cancer cells can epigenetically mediate, or temporarily trigger, the expression or suppression of a cell adhesion protein associated with the progression of cancer. These new findings support the notion that drugs that are currently being tested to treat many cancers need to be screened using more complex tissue-like systems, rather than by using conventional petri dish cultures that do not fully manifest features of many cancers.
In ScienceCodex

Sharing Breast Cancer Results With Children Is Popular
An investigation published online in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society has discovered that many parents share their breast cancer test results with their children, even if they are very young. Furthermore, the researchers discovered that the majority of parents believe that their children are not distressed when they find out about the test results.
By Grace Rattue. In Medical News Today

ISG15: A novel therapeutic target to slow breast cancer cell motility
Interferon-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15), a ubiquitin like protein, is highly elevated in a variety of cancers including breast cancer. How the elevated ISG15 pathway contributes to tumorigenic phenotypes remains unclear and is the subject of a study published in the January 2012 issue of Experimental Biology and Medicine.
In EurekAlert.

Bach's charms soothe edgy prostate patients
A good set of headphones and a little Bach may ease the pain and anxiety of getting a prostate biopsy, according to a newly published study by Duke Cancer Institute researcher.
By Jay Price. In Vancouver Sun

Selectively stopping glutathione sensitizes brain tumors to chemotherapy
Brain cancer cells are particularly resistant to chemotherapy — toxins enter the cells, but before the toxins can kill, cancer cells quickly pump them back outside. In fact, brain cancer cells are even better than healthy cells at cleaning themselves. This means that when hit with chemotherapy, healthy cells tend to die before brain cancer cells. Especially in the brain, killing healthy cells is bad.
In Medical Xpress

Découverte du premier gène mutant clé dans le cancer hérité de la prostate
Après vingt ans d'effort, des chercheurs américains ont découvert la première mutation génétique majeure liée à une nette augmentation du risque de cancer héréditaire de la prostate, selon leurs travaux parus mercredi dans le New England Journal of Medicine. Ce gène mutant rare accroît de dix à vingt fois le risque de cancer de la prostate chez les hommes les plus jeunes dans les familles affectées.
Dans Le Monde

Habiter près d'une centrale nucléaire favoriserait la leucémie chez l'enfant‎
Selon une étude publiée dans l'International Journal of Cancer, les cas de leucémies seraient deux fois plus fréquents chez les enfants vivants à proximité d'une centrale nucléaire. Les scientifiques refusent cependant d'en tirer des conclusions définitives.
Par Denis Delbecq. Dans L’Express.

14-3-3a: un gène qui freine le cancer du sein
Un travail publié en ligne dans Cancer Discovery fournit une nouvelle preuve convaincante selon laquelle le gène 14-3-3a empêche la progression des tumeurs.

Le nombre de cancers baisse aux Etats-Unis, un million de décès évités depuis 1990
Plus d'un million de décès ont été évités aux Etats-Unis depuis le début des années 1990 grâce à la baisse du nombre de cancers, en particulier du sein, du poumon, de la prostate et du colon, selon un rapport publié mercredi par l'organisation américaine contre le cancer.

Cancers et prothèses mammaires: quand le doute ronge
Aucun lien de causalité n’a été démontré, mais les autorités sanitaires françaises sont profondément embarrassées.
Par Jean-Yves Nau. Dans

Molécule innovante : Léon Bérard part à l'assaut de l'AKT
L'ARC et l'Inca financent un essai clinique évaluant une nouvelle thérapie ciblée dans le lymphome. Cet essai a été conçu et promu par le Centre Léon Bérard de Lyon. Fabien Calvo répond à Futurapolis.
Par Gérard Desportes. Dans Le

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