Sleep Apnea
Tied to Increased Cancer Risk
Two new
studies have found that people with sleep apnea, a common disorder that causes
snoring, fatigue and dangerous pauses in breathing at night, have a higher risk
of cancer. The new research marks the first time that sleep apnea has been
linked to cancer in humans.
By Anahad O’Conner. In New York
Times (blog)
Lung cancer
tests advised for some heavy smokers
recommendations from chest and cancer doctors call for lung cancer screening in
older adults with a long history of smoking a pack a day or more -- but also
highlight the possible harms of screening, including a high risk of false
positive tests.
By Genevra Pittman. In Reuters
an option for colon cancer screening
for colon cancer using a flexible tube -- which is less invasive and more
convenient than colonoscopy -- may also help prevent new cases and deaths from
the disease, a new study suggests.
By Genevra Pittman. In Reuters
Folic acid
tied to lower child cancer risks
Rates of two
rare childhood cancers (Wilms tumor -a type of kidney cancer-, and primary
neuroectodermal tumor) declined after the U.S. began requiring grain products
to be fortified with the B vitamin folic acid, a new study finds.
By Amy Norton. In Reuters
Research Should Be a National Priority
a terrorist targeted almost two million Americans per year and killed over half
a million of them, the U.S.
would almost certainly declare war. Why, then, have we not put the same effort
into fighting cancer that we have into fighting wars?
kills more people every day than terrorists killed on September 11, 2001. Yet
our country fails to prioritize cancer as a national issue.
By Sierra Alef-Defoe. In Huffington Post
breast cancer drug (CDX-011) shrinks some tumors: study
results from a mid-stage trial of Celldex Therapeutics Inc's experimental drug
showed trends toward reducing tumors in patients with advanced breast cancer,
with rates improving for those patients with high levels of a key protein.
In Reuters
Cancer Vaccine Shows Promise
A vaccine to
treat deadly pancreatic cancer could be available within a couple years.
By Jason Koebler. In U.S.
News & World Report
advises against PSA cancer screening
should no longer offer the PSA prostate cancer screening test to healthy men
because they're more likely to be harmed by the blood draw — and the chain of
medical interventions that often follows — than be helped, according to
government advisory panel's final report.
By Liz Szabo. In USA Today.
competition helps cancer patients tell their stories
The American
Cancer Society reports that there are nearly 12 million cancer survivors alive
today in the U.S.
alone. In addition, there are millions more who love and care for them. The
common thread that unites them is the fact that each person is on a cancer
journey with a story to tell that can inspire others.
In Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
writes about painful effects of ovarian cancer
learning she had advanced ovarian cancer, Susan Gubar felt the need to reassure
her two grown daughters that not even death could separate them.
By Liz Szabo. In USA Today.
Not Letting
Cancer Define Us
It is how we
face obstacles that define us and those obstacles can vary in size or matter.
They can be trying to hit a curve ball in Little League, passing a math test or
as common as trying to curb your appetite so that you can shed 10 pounds . Sometimes in
life, what seems to be an obstacle is not. If you face these small obstacles
with positive focus and bravery, the so-called obstacle will never define you
-- in fact, you can actually define it.
By David Plotkin. In Huffington
Drug Pushes Cancer Stem Cells Over the Edge
anti-psychotic drug used to treat schizophrenia appears to get rid of cancer
stem cells by helping them differentiate into less threatening cell types. The
discovery reported in the Cell Press journal Cell on May 24th comes after
researchers screened hundreds of compounds in search of those that would
selectively inhibit human cancer stem cells, and it may lead rather swiftly to
a clinical trial.
In ScienceDaily
New clues
about cancer cell metabolism emerge
For almost a
century, researchers have known that cancer cells have peculiar appetites,
devouring glucose in ways that normal cells do not. But glucose uptake may tell
only part of cancer's metabolic story. Researchers from the Broad Institute and
Massachusetts General
Hospital looked across 60
well-studied cancer cell lines, analyzing which of more than 200 metabolites
were consumed or released by the fastest dividing cells. Their research yields
the first large-scale atlas of cancer metabolism and points to a key role for
the smallest amino acid, glycine, in cancer cell proliferation. Their results
appear in the May 25 issue of the journal Science.
In ScienceCodex
Why People
Stick with Cancer Screening, Even When It Causes Harm
When it
comes to complex medical decisions, cold hard statistics may hold little sway
over patients in the face of a single, compelling anecdote.
By Maia Szalavitz. In TIME
Cancer de la peau: les cabines à UV
dans le collimateur du gouvernement
Face à la multiplication des cancers de la peau en France,
le gouvernement a décidé de durcir la réglementation des cabines à bronzage
artificiel, tenus pour responsables de plusieurs dizaines de décès chaque année
par mélanomes.
Par Olivier Thibault. Dans AFP
Les cas de cancer
de la peau en forte hausse depuis 1980 en France
Quelque 80.000 cancers de la peau sont signalés chaque année
dans l'Hexagone, d'après des données présentées par l'Institut national du
cancer (INCa), l'Institut national de prévention et d'éducation pour la santé
(Inpes) et le ministère de la
Santé , mercredi 23 mai. Près de 9.780 nouveaux cas de
mélanomes, le plus dangereux des cancers de la peau, ont été diagnostiqués en 2011. L 'incidence de cette
forme de cancer de la peau a ainsi plus que triplé entre 1980 et 2005.
Dans Le
Cancer: des chercheurs explorent la
piste d'un médicament aimanté
Des chercheurs grenoblois spécialisés dans les sciences du
neutron espèrent contribuer par leurs travaux à la mise au point d'un
médicament liquide aimanté pour traiter le cancer, qui ne devrait cependant pas
voir le jour avant plusieurs années.
Dans AFP
Cancer: des molécules
"faussaires" pour doper l'effet de la radiothérapie
Des molécules "leurres" qui trompent les cellules
cancéreuses et les poussent au suicide sont testées pour doper la radiothérapie
chez des patients atteints de mélanome cutané avec présence de métastases à
proximité sur la peau, selon l'Institut Curie.
Dans AFP
Ronfler augmenterait les risques de
Les personnes souffrant de troubles graves de la respiration
pendant le sommeil (SDB), ont presque 5 fois plus de risques de développer un
Quand l'immunité protège aussi du
AVIS D'EXPERT- Sebastian Amigorena, biologiste et membre de
l'Académie des sciences nous explique que le système immunitaire peut nous
protéger, au moins partiellement, contre le développement des tumeurs
cancéreuses malignes.
Par Sebastian Amigorena. Dans Le Figaro
Une poupée Barbie chauve
La compagnie Mattel va fabriquer dès 2013 une poupée Barbie
chauve pour sensibiliser les enfants au cancer.
Vers un nouveau
traitement contre le cancer de la prostate
Des chercheurs américains ont démontré qu'un médicament,
nommé le "Zytiga", avait la capacité de d'enrayer la tumeur
cancéreuse chez les hommes souffrant d'un cancer de la prostate, avance Le
Parisien / Aujourd'hui en France, lundi 21 mai. Cette molécule agirait en
bloquant la production de testostérone.
Dans Le
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