vendredi 24 août 2012

Press Review (August 25, 2012) – Revue de presse (25 août 2012)

PSA Testing Linked to Improved Prostate Cancer Survival
Analysis of research before and after screening was introduced shows benefits.
In U.S. News & World Report

Radiotherapy results in higher diabetes risk for some childhood cancer survivors‎‎
The study – which analysed more than 2500 patient questionnaires and medical records from French and British people who had cancer in childhood but survived for at least 20 years after undergoing treatment – is the first to link diabetes and radiation.
In Medical Xpress

Genome Sequencing Clears Up a Cancer Medical Mystery
Most experimental cancer drugs never make it to market because they don't help enough people in early clinical trials. But even in "failed" drug trials, researchers may find that a few patients see their tumors shrink dramatically. Since it’s not clear why some respond but most don’t, researchers typically shake their heads and move on.
By Jocelyn Kaiser. In ScienceMag

Cancer survival in Germany after the fall of the Iron Curtain‎‎ ‎‎
Data from the 1970s and 1980s show that people affected by cancer survived significantly longer in West Germany than cancer patients behind the Iron Curtain
In Medical Xpress

Targeting inflammation to prevent, treat cancers‎
Researchers at the Georgia Health Sciences University Cancer Center have identified a gene that disrupts the inflammatory process implicated in liver cancer.
In Science Codex

Field guide to the Epstein-Barr virus charts viral paths toward cancer‎
Researchers from The Wistar Institute and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) have teamed to publish the first annotated atlas of the Epstein-Barr virus genome, creating the most comprehensive study of how the viral genome interacts with its human host during a latent infection.
In Science Codex

Cause of global throat cancer epidemic a mystery‎
The "astounding" increase in cases of esophageal cancer around the world seems to have begun in the UK in the 1950s, but a recent comprehensive analysis of historical data has brought scientists no closer to identifying the cause.
By Will Parker. In Science A Gogo

Cancer: une radiothérapie durant l’enfance accroît le risque de diabète‎
C’est la première étude de la relation entre la dose de radiation reçue au niveau du pancréas et le risque ultérieur de diabète.
Dans SantéLog

Cancer de la prostate: attention à la viande revenue à la poêle‎‎
Une étude américaine montre que les hommes qui consomment plus d'une portion et demi de viande rouge saisie à la poêle par semaine accroissent leur risque de développer un cancer de la prostate de 30%.

Cancer de la thyroïde: l'héritage d'Hiroshima‎‎‎‎ ‎‎
Les Japonais ayant survécu aux explosions des bombes atomiques à Hiroshima et à Nagasaki ont été exposés à des risques élevés de cancer de la thyroïde pendant plus de cinquante ans après leur irradiation.
Par Cyrille Vanlerberghe. Dans Le Figaro

Plus de risque d'un deuxième cancer chez les personnes en surpoids‎‎‎‎‎ ‎‎
Des chercheurs français ont montré que l'obésité et le surpoids pouvaient représenter un facteur de risque de second cancer, notamment après un premier cancer du sein.
Dans Canoë

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