V. Jensen, Pioneer in Breast Cancer Treatment, Dies at 92
Elwood V.
Jensen, a medical researcher whose studies of steroid hormones led to new
treatments for breast cancer that have been credited with saving or extending
hundreds of thousands of lives, died on Dec. 16 in Cincinnati. He was 92.
By Daniel E. Slotnik. In The New York Times
cancer screening rates decline over the last 10 years, finds new study
The rate of
people who seek preventive cancer screenings has fallen over the last ten years
in the United States with
wide variations between white-collar and blue-collar workers, according to a University of Miami Miller School of Medicine study
published on December 27 in
the open-access journal Frontiers in Cancer Epidemiology.
In EurekAlert
(press release)
Therapies to Prevent Prostate Cancer Are Not One Size Fits All
A new study
suggests that chemoprevention with anti-androgen therapies may not benefit all
patients at risk for prostate cancer and could cause harm to some. Researchers
at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical
School have identified a
genetic mutation that actually results in a more robust transition from a
precancerous to cancerous state when exposed to androgen deprivation.
By Anna Azvolinsky. In Cancer
to Metabolize Tamoxifen Affects Breast Cancer Outcomes
For nearly a
decade, breast cancer researchers studying the hormone therapy tamoxifen have
been divided as to whether genetic differences in a liver enzyme affect the
drug's effectiveness and the likelihood breast cancer will recur. A new study
by researchers from the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center and the Austrian Breast and
Colorectal Cancer Study Group provides evidence that genetic differences in the
enzyme CYP2D6 play a key role in how well tamoxifen work.
In Science Daily (press release)
cancer cells interact with non-cancerous tissue to drive metastasis
In addition
to mutations, environmental conditions created by the tissues surrounding
tumors (stroma) play a major role in cancer progression. Researchers led by
Gregg Semenza at Johns
Hopkins University
examined the interactions between breast cancer cells and the stroma to
identify underlying pro-metastatic molecular mechanisms.
In Science Codex
study suggests gene variation may shape bladder cancer treatment
Patients who
have inherited a specific common genetic variant develop bladder cancer tumors
that strongly express a protein known as prostate stem cell antigen (PSCA),
which is also expressed in many pancreatic and prostate tumors, according to
research at the National Institutes of Health.
In National Institutes of Health
(press release)
Cyclin D1b
is a genetic reprogrammer that drives cancer progression
led by Karen Knudsen at Thomas Jefferson University's
Kimmel Cancer Center
examined the role of cyclin D1b in prostate cancer.
In Science Codex
Bowel cancer
gene discovery cracks mystery of families with a strong history of the disease
Research UK-funded scientists have discovered that two gene faults increase the
risk of bowel cancer in families with a strong history of developing the
disease, who, until now, had no explanation as to why their risk was greater.
The research is published in Nature Genetics.
In Cancer Research UK
Is a Meaningful Increased Survival?
In their
quest for new agents, pharmaceutical researchers test millions of substances
all over the world. They like using color-forming reactions to identify new molecules.
However, in intensively colored solutions or in the case of mixtures with
multiple substances these tests fail. As part of his doctoral thesis, Martin
Stein, member of staff at the Chair of Biochemistry at the Technische
Universitaet Muenchen, developed a testing reaction based on magnetic resonance
data. It helps find a specific pharmaceutical molecule among hundreds of
different substances even in the most turbid of bacterial brews
By Rebecca Bechhold. In Cancer
Network (blog)
Découverte de deux gênes responsables du cancer de
Des chercheurs britanniques pensent avoir trouvé pourquoi
certaines familles sont très exposées au cancer de l’intestin. Deux gênes,
transmis par les parents aux enfants, seraient en effet responsables de
l’augmentation du risque de formation d'une tumeur.
Dans JOL Press
Cancer de la prostate: Un virus
caché dans un macrophage pour tuer la tumeur
à nouveau l’approche par virus oncolytique, un virus capable d’infecter
uniquement les cellules cancéreuses et de les détruire, qui vient d’être testée
pour le traitement du cancer avancé de la prostate chez l'homme.
Dans Santé.log
Le dépistage du cancer du col de
l'utérus gratuit dès le 1er janvier
Le dépistage du cancer du col de
l'utérus sera gratuit dans quelques jours. Les frottis (qui coûtent aujourd'hui
13 euros aux patientes) seront intégralement remboursés. C'est l'une des
décisions prises vendredi soir lors du dernier Conseil des ministres de l'année.
La cigarette affecterait les gènes du cancer
Le fait de fumer des cigarettes pourrait affecter les gènes
du cancer dans l’ADN, montrant que la consommation de tabac altèrerait
chimiquement l’activité des gènes faisant augmenter le risque de cancer.
Par Sandra Besson. Dans Actualités News Environnement
Cancer du sein en Algérie : 3 000 décès d'Algériennes par an
Environ 9 000 nouveaux cas de cancer du sein sont découverts
chaque année en Algérie, et plus de 3000 victimes en meurent.
Par J Boukraa. Dans Mondeactu.com