Living With
Cancer: For the Birds
nothing makes us feel so much alive as to see others die,” exclaims a dying
Ralph Touchett in Henry James’s “Portrait of a Lady.” At my most snarky, it
seems to me that there’s nothing makes some people so invigorated as to see
others debilitated by cancer or by medical responses to it. To my beloved
friends, I hiss what must be tedious recriminations against off-the-wall
reactions to my continuing treatments. But here I’ll simply wing it.
By Susan Guber. In The New York
New Pap
guidelines may miss aggressive cancer in young women, study reports
One cancer
can cause problems in less than two years, but recommended screening is now
every three years.
By Serena Gordon. In MedicalXpress
The New
Post-Cancer Me: I Didn't Intend on Being So Different
One of the
terms I have hated most when I finished cancer treatment was "new
normal." Doctors refer to it, counselors refer to it and a lot of
survivors refer to it. I fought it for as long as I could. Recently, I have
started to accept the fact that I am not the same person I was before I had
gone through my battle with cancer.
By Eamonn Conrad. In Huffington
Post blogs
Cancer risk
higher among people who eat more processed meat, study finds
consumers of food such as ham, bacon and sausages are 44% more likely to die
prematurely, according to research.
By Denis Campbell. In The Guardian
origin of common ovarian cancer identified
researchers have uncovered a type of cell in the ovaries of mice that, if also
found in women, would represent the possible origin of the most common form of
ovarian cancer.
In Cancer Research UK
cancer breath test trialled successfully
breath test to detect stomach cancer could lead to earlier detection of stomach
cancer and save lives.
By Sarah Boseley. In The Guardian
Ready for
More 10,000 Cancer Genomes Projects?
researchers who have spent the last 7 years compiling a catalog of mutations in
patients' tumors are now talking about what they should do next. This week,
researchers at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) unveiled a project on their
wish list: a much broader survey of 10,000 tumors per cancer type that would
aim to pin down very rare cancer genes.
By Jocelyn Kaiser. In Science AAAS
Plainte pour non-dépistage d'un
cancer de la prostate
Cette affaire judiciaire relance la
polémique sur l'intérêt du dépistage individuel de cette pathologie.
Par Martine Perez. Dans Le Figaro Santé
Des scientifiques prouvent que les consommateurs de
charcuterie ont plus de chance d'avoir un cancer
Selon un récente étude, les plus gros mangeurs de jambon,
saucisses et autres saucissons, sont à 44% plus susceptibles de mourir
prématurément que les autres.
Dans Atlantico
Perjeta, nouveau traitement du
cancer du sein autorisé en Europe
Le groupe pharmaceutique suisse
Roche a annoncé mardi que l'Union européenne avait autorisé la mise sur le
marché de Perjeta, un traitement pour une forme agressive de cancer du sein.
Par David Bême. Dans Doctissimo
Cancer de la prostate, le procès du
Il était attendu ce procès que les
autorités ne semblaient pas craindre : un homme atteint d’un cancer de la
prostate poursuit son médecin traitant qui ne lui avait pas proposé de doser le
taux de PSA (Prostatic Specific Antigen) au motif d’une perte de chance. Ce
premier exemple, car il y en aura d’autres, appelle plusieurs remarques et
mises au point.
Par Guy
Vallencien. Dans Le Monde
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