Share Gene Patterns, Studies Affirm
have discovered that the most dangerous cancer of the uterine lining closely
resembles the worst ovarian and breast cancers, providing the most telling
evidence yet that cancer will increasingly be seen as a disease defined
primarily by its genetic fingerprint rather than just by the organ where it
By Gina Kolata. In The New York Times (blog)
Prices for Leukemia Drugs
Last year we
were heartened when doctors at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in
New York refused to use an outrageously overpriced drug for treating advanced
colorectal cancer because it was no better than a cheaper (but still costly)
alternative. Neither did much to extend a patient’s life. Now the revolt
against unjustifiably high cancer drug prices has been joined by more than 100
leukemia experts from more than 15 countries.
By the Editorial Board. In The New York Times (blog)
Cancer One-Year Survival Rates 'Vary Significantly'
workers must have better awareness of the signs and symptoms of cancer in
teenagers and young adults, experts have said. Mike Stevens, professor of
paediatric oncology at the University of Bristol, made his comments after
figures show that one-year survival rates "vary significantly" among
youngsters who get the disease.
In Huffington Post UK
Decode "Molecular Chatter" That Makes Cancer Cells Spread
For the
first time, scientists in the US have decoded the "molecular chatter"
that makes cancer cells more aggressive and more likely to travel and set up
tumors in other parts of the body (metastasize). The discovery came about as a
result of bringing together specialists in cancer development with specialists
in wound healing.
In Medical
News Today
Drug Inhibits Growth in All Stages of Common Kidney Cancer
at Mayo Clinic’s campus in Florida
have discovered a protein that is overly active in every human sample of kidney
cancer they examined. They also found that an experimental drug designed to
block the protein’s activity significantly reduced tumor growth in animals when
used alone. Combining it with another drug already used to treat the cancer
improved the effectiveness of both.
In Science
Daily (press release)
Les implants mammaires pourraient
retarder la détection du cancer du sein
La présence d'implants mammaires
entraînerait un dépistage plus tardif du cancer du sein et pourrait avoir un
impact sur la survie des femmes atteintes de ce cancer, selon une étude publiée
mercredi par le British Medical Journal (BMJ).
Dans Le Monde
Le cancer de la peau lié à
l'apparition d'autres cancers
On le savait déjà, mais une nouvelle
étude le confirme : il faut protéger sa peau du soleil. Les travaux, étalés sur
20 ans, montrent que l’apparition d’un cancer de la peau favorise le
développement ultérieur d’autres cancers.
Par Agnès Roux. Dans Futura Sciences
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