Breast cancer fundraisers: Think before you buy pink
Pink products are everywhere this month: pink bracelets, pink blenders, pink cocktails, even pink on Cheerios boxes. It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and that means a proliferation of pink. But for many it's also a time to exercise caution. Just because an item is pink or has a pink ribbon on it doesn't always mean a portion of the sales goes to a breast cancer organization, said Kim Irish, a program manager for San Francisco-based Breast Cancer Action.
By Bethany Clough. In Sacramento Bee
Advanced skin cancer drug 'not cost-effective' for NHS
A new skin cancer drug is not suitable for use on the NHS as its benefits are outweighed by its cost and possible side-effects, according to draft guidance by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).
Ipilimumab (Yervoy) is designed to treat patients with advanced malignant melanoma - the most serious form of skin cancer - who have already received chemotherapy.
In Cancer Research UK
Prostate Cancer Experts Defend PSA Screening
Many prostate cancer experts in the United States have condemned the recommendation by the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), announced last week, against the routine screening of healthy men with the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test.
By Zosia Chustecka. Medscape
Cancer Risk From Barrett’s Esophagus Lower Than Thought
People who have a condition known as Barrett’s esophagus, a complication of acid reflux disease, have a higher risk of developing esophageal cancer — but the risk is far smaller than widely believed, a new study shows.
By Anahad O'Connor. In New York Times (blog)
Many cancer survivors struggle with PTSD symptoms
More than decade after being told they had the disease, nearly four out of 10 cancer survivors said they were still plagued by symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD.
By Frederik Joelving. Reuters
Wives 'saving husbands from cancer'
Wives are saving their husbands from dying of cancer by pestering them to see a doctor when they have unexplained pains, a study indicates.
By Stephen Adams. In
Mutant Gene That Ups Risk for Ovarian Cancer May Aid Survival
Study found patients with BRCA2 had better outcomes than those without it.
By Jenifer Goodwin. In U.S. News & World Report
Cancer-free rodent genome may hold key to aging, disease
Scientists announced Wednesday that they have succeeded in sequencing the full genome of the naked mole rat, an exceptionally long-lived and cancer-resistant rodent.
By Amanda Gardner. In USA Today
Oral Bacteria Might Signal Early Pancreatic Cancer
Changes in the bacteria in a person's mouth might signal the onset of pancreatic cancer, preliminary research reveals.
By Alan Mozes. In U.S. News & World Report
L’homme n’est pas à l’abri du cancer du sein
La statistique étonne. La Société canadienne du cancer estime que 190 hommes recevront un diagnostic du cancer du sein au Canada. Parmi eux, 55 en mourront.
Par Marie-Ève Bourgoing-Alarie. Dans Québec-Hebdo
Près des trois quarts des Français estiment que la recherche doit se concentrer sur le cancer
S'ils ont globalement une bonne image de la recherche médicale française (88%), les Français souhaitent tout de même que certains domaines soient mis en avant dans les années à venir, selon les résultats d'une étude présentée par la Fondation de l'Avenir, mercredi 12 octobre.
Dans Le Parisien
Malgré les soins palliatifs, les demandes d'euthanasie persistent
Malgré la loi Leonetti sur la fin de vie, malgré l'essor des structures de soins palliatifs, il demeure des personnes dont le souhait d'une mort anticipée persiste. Une situation "inextricable" pour les malades, pour les soignants aussi, car aucune solution ne peut leur être proposée.
Par Laetitia Clavreul. Dans Le Monde
Maurice : augmentation alarmante des cancers
Le cancer connaît une progression inquiétante dans l’île soeur, rapporte le site d’informations En 1989, 500 cas avaient été enregistrés dans le pays. Vingt ans après 27 000 cas de cancer cumulés sont répertoriés, soit une moyenne 1 500 nouveaux cas détectés chaque année.
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