samedi 29 octobre 2011

Press review (October 29, 2011) – Revue de presse (29 octobre 2011)

Male Breast Cancer: Limited Awareness Costs Lives, New Study Says‎
Men have a breast cancer incidence rate less than 1 percent of that of females, but when they do get the disease, it is often more advanced, according to a sweeping new study. The research, published earlier this month in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, looked at breast cancer in 6 countries over the last 40 years. Researchers found that men had poorer five-year survival rates than women, and the disease generally occurred later in life for them.
By Catherine Pearson. In Huffington Post

Lung cancer screening with X-rays isn't beneficial
Routine chest X-rays do not prevent lung cancer deaths, not even in smokers or former smokers, according to a big government study challenging a once common type of screening.
In USA Today

Doctors split on Avastin for breast cancer - survey
An international survey of cancer doctors shows that many question U.S. health advisers' 2010 rejection of Roche Holding's drug Avastin to treat advanced breast cancer.
By Andrew M. Seaman. Reuters

Double Trouble From HPV
Two new studies have come out that highlight significant news around HPV – Human Papillomavirus. HPV is known to increase the risk of cervical cancer in women significantly. Now, a study in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that an HPV vaccine that helps prevent HPV in women, can help prevent most anal cancers in gay men..
By Doc Gurley. In San Francisco Chronicle (blog)

Increase in Borderline Ovarian Cancer After IVF
Ovarian stimulation by in vitro fertilization (IVF) increases the risk for borderline ovarian tumors, but the risk for invasive ovarian cancer is not significantly increased, a new study concludes. It also found no increase in cancer risk with an increased number of IVF cycles. The study was published online October 26 in Human Reproduction.
By Becky McCall. In Medscape

Research makes it possible to predict how cancers will respond to chemo. Finding rewrites old theory of why chemo works
Challenging a half-century-old theory about why chemotherapy agents target cancer, scientists at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute have devised a test that can predict how effective the drugs will be by determining whether a patient's tumor cells are already "primed" for death. In a study published online by the journal Science on Oct. 27, the researchers report that cancer cells that are on the verge of self-destruction are more likely to succumb to certain chemotherapy agents than cancer cells that have yet to reach that stage. The discovery suggests that it may be possible to predict which cancer patients are most likely to benefit from chemotherapy, as well as to make chemotherapy drugs more effective by pushing tumor cells closer to the point of suicide.
In EurekAlert

Mummy Had History's Second-Oldest Prostate Cancer Case‎‎
Some 2,250 years ago in Egypt, a man known today only as M1 struggled with a long, painful, progressive illness. A dull pain throbbed in his lower back, then spread to other parts of his body, making most movements a misery. When M1 finally succumbed to the mysterious ailment between the ages of 51 and 60, his family paid for him to be mummified so that he could be reborn and relish the pleasures of the afterworld. Now an international research team has diagnosed what ailed M1: the oldest known case of prostate cancer in ancient Egypt and the second oldest case in the world
By Heather Pringle. In Wired News

NHS breast cancer screening to be reviewed
England’s breast cancer screening programme could be scaled back amid concerns from scientists that it is leading to women undergoing surgery unnecessarily.
By Martin Beckford. In

Cancer, the growing silent killer among the Ugandan population‎
Having dedicated October as a month to focus on cancer, we have been running stories on various types of the disease focusing on the causes, treatment, statistics and methods of prevention. As we wrap up our series, we look at the state of cancer in the country. Over the years, cancer has become more common with one in 500 people suffering from one type or another, a warning that if you have not yet checked or had screening for those types that can be screened, you should.
By Flavia Lanyero. In Daily Monitor

Les bienfaits du café contre le cancer de la peau se confirment
La consommation régulière de café réduirait les risques de cancer de la peau, montre une étude américaine.

Cancer du poumon: une radiographie annuelle ne réduit pas la mortalité
Des radiographies annuelles de la cage thoracique ne réduisent pas la mortalité résultant du cancer du poumon, selon une vaste étude clinique présentée mercredi aux Etats-Unis qui montre l'inutilité de cette procédure.

Ouverture du premier procès de l'amiante en Belgique‎
Le premier procès de victimes belges de l'amiante s'est ouvert lundi à Bruxelles, où le groupe belgo-suisse Eternit est accusé par une famille décimée par le cancer d'avoir négligé la nocivité de cette substance utilisée pendant des décennies dans la construction.

Le vaccin anti-papillomavirus humains préviendrait le cancer anal
Le vaccin contre les papillomavirus humains (HPV), transmis sexuellement et responsables de nombreux cancers utérins, s'est avéré efficace pour prévenir des infections et lésions anales pré-cancéreuses chez des hommes homosexuels, selon une étude clinique publiée mercredi.

Les cabines de bronzage favorisent les cancers‎
Ça chauffe pour les cabines de bronzage. Lors du 10e congrès international de l'Association américaine de recherche contre le cancer (AACR) qui vient de s'achever à Boston (États-Unis), les chercheurs ont une nouvelle fois pointé du doigt les méfaits des cabines à UV (rayons ultraviolets responsables du bronzage), les accusant de favoriser la survenue de cancers de la peau : le baso-cellulaire (le plus fréquent), le spino-cellulaire et le mélanome malin.
Par Anne Jouan. Dans Le Figaro

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