samedi 22 octobre 2011

Press review (October 22, 2011) – Revue de presse (22 octobre 2011)

Letrozole tops Tamoxifen for early breast cancer
The breast cancer drug letrozole, marketed as Femara, may be more effective than tamoxifen at preventing the return of breast cancer and improving survival among older women with hormone-sensitive breast cancers, a new study reports.
By Denise Mann. In USA Today

Radiotherapy after surgery halves the chance of breast cancer returning
Radiotherapy dramatically reduces the risk of relapse among breast cancer patients who have undergone lumpectomies, say scientists. Researchers from Oxford University discovered that radiation treatment used after surgery can decrease the chance of the disease recurring by fifty per cent.
By Sadie Whitelocks In Daily Mail

Cancer groups release cervical cancer screening guidelines
Three leading U.S. cancer groups have proposed new guidelines for cervical cancer testing for women, including when to start screening for sexually active young women, extending intervals between screenings and in some cases, supplementing the traditional Pap test with human papilloma virus (HPV) testing.
By Denise Mann. In USA Today

Huge Economic Burden Of Melanoma In The USA
According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, each year between 2004 to 2006, over 45,000 cases of melanoma were reported in 45 states and the District of Columbia. In the U.S. skin cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer. Although melanoma is the third most prevalent type of skin cancer, it is more dangerous than other skin cancers, and is the leading cause of death from skin disease killing approximately 8,000 individuals each year as well as costing the country billions.
By Grace Rattue. In Medical News Today

Does The American Cancer Society Have A Problem With Atheist Money?
If your house is on fire, do you ask the firefighter if he or she is an atheist before you accept his or her help? I doubt it. Similarly, I'm wondering about the real reasons The American Cancer Society will not work with the atheist charity organization,  Foundation Beyond Belief. It appears that the foundation would be able to raise up to $500,000 for the Relay for Life, with $250,000 of that being matched funds from Todd Stiefel of the Stiefel Freethought Foundation.
By Brandon G. Withrow. In Huffington Post

Two Cancer Studies Find Bacterial Clue in Colon
For years, Dr. Robert A. Holt, a genomics researcher at the British Columbia Cancer Agency, wrestled with a question about colon cancer. Might it be caused, or pushed along, by a bacterial infection? Cancers of the liver, stomach and cervix have all been linked to microbes, he knew. And if there is one place in the body with a lot of microbes, it is the colon — microbial cells outnumber human cells there by a ratio of at least nine to one.
By Gina Kolata. In The New York Times

Deceptive "New Hopes" for Cancer‎
Cancer breakthroughs may be deceptive to the public. A study, published in the open-access journal PLoS Computational Biology on October 20, questions the reasoning used in many highly cited cancer publications supporting the relevance of animal and test tube experiments to human cancer.
By Alicia Rose DelGallo. In Ivanhoe

Signalling Protein VEGF Helps Renew Stem Cells In Common Skin Cancer
New research from Belgium, published in Nature this week, reveals that VEGF, a signalling protein that is known to regulate the formation of new blood vessels, has a dual role in helping cancer cells grow and form tumors in skin squamous cell carcinoma, a common cancer in humans. The study finds that VEGF helps grow a blood supply for the tumor, and it also helps replenish and renew the stem cancer cells that differentiate to become skin cancer cells.
By Catharine Paddock. In Medical News Today

Cancer warning signs women should not ignore
We live in denial mode when encountering grave health conditions. Young women, for instance, ignore recommended health checkups and screenings.
In Times of India

Identification d'un gène de prédisposition commun au mélanome et au cancer du rein
Des chercheurs de l'Inserm et de l'Insitut de cancérologie Gustave Roussy de Villejuif (Val-de-Marne) ont mis en évidence une mutation génétique, baptisée "Mi-E318K", responsable d'une prédisposition commune au mélanome, un cancer de la peau, et au cancer du rein. Publiés dans la revue scientifique Nature, ces travaux montrent que les individus porteurs de cette mutation auraient plus de risque de développer ces deux types de cancer..
Dans Le Parisien

Plan cancer, plan Alzheimer: la recherche en souffrance
Manifestement, il faut qu'un président de la République crée son «plan»... Pour Jacques Chirac, c'était le «plan cancer», pour Nicolas Sarkozy, le «plan Alzheimer». A priori, rien à critiquer: tout le monde est, comme Pierre Desproges, contre le cancer. A tel point que pendant 10 jours, un candidat mystère à la présidentielle a fait diffuser une vidéo d'un «Parti contre le cancer». Derrière cette opération, Viktor Izraël veut attirer l'attention sur les insuffisances du plan Cancer, et notamment sur le nombre de cancérologues.
Par Bertrand Monthubert. Dans MediaPart

Cancers de la thyroïde : en augmentation, mais surtout ceux de petite taille
Les cancers de la thyroïde sont en augmentation en France, mais ils restent une rareté, et cette croissance concerne surtout les cancers de petite taille, soulignent des spécialistes à l'occasion du congrès de la Société française d'oto-rhino-laryngologie (SFORL) s'ouvrant samedi.
Romandie News

Les cancers secondaires : types, diagnostic et traitement
Qu'est-ce que qu'un cancer secondaire, comment le distinguer d'un cancer primitif, le diagnostiquer, et le traiter ?

Le manque de dépistage des maladies cancéreuses souligné lors d'une journée d'information à Alger
Le manque de dépistage et de prévention primaire des maladies cancéreuses a été souligné jeudi à Alger par les participants à une journée d'information médicale sur le cancer, qui ont appelé à accentuer les efforts de sensibilisation sur cette maladie en "nette progression".
Dans Le Temps d’Algérie

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