vendredi 13 avril 2012

Press Review (April 14, 2012) – Revue de presse (14 avril 2012)

Breast cancer mortality rates for African American women disproportionately high
Last month, The Washington Post shared results of a new study revealing that thousands of African American women are dying needlessly from breast cancer because of psychosocial, cultural and economic barriers. As the District’s only stand-alone cancer support organization, we at Smith Center for Healing and the Arts applaud the coverage of this important issue. The report’s timing however, is ironic as funding for programs that directly address these disparities is being dramatically reduced.
By Shanti Norris and Carole O’ Toole. In Washington Post (blog)

Herbal Remedy Ingredient Tied to Cancer, Kidney Failure
Aristolochic acid is a potent human carcinogen found naturally in botanical Asian remedies for aiding weight loss, easing joint pain and improving stomach ailments.
In U.S. News & World Report

Breast Cancer Treatment Side Effects May Last for Years
Study finds lingering pain, swelling, fatigue, mobility problems in many women.
In U.S. News & World Report

Cancer Care Costs Higher in U.S. Than Europe, But Survival Longer
US cancer patients often live almost two years longer than similar patients in Europe, arguing for the dollar value of care given, researchers say.
By Steven Reinberg. In U.S. News & World Report

Overtreatment in Cancer: Common Sense Medicine
Treatment for cancer has gotten out of hand. For almost every type of cancer, there are now dozens of potential treatments, in what are often hundreds of combinations. And, what is infinitely worse, these treatments can be lined up one after the other in a seamless row so that when one treatment fails, a doctor and patient simply step up to the next one. It's gotten so that it's almost impossible to stop treating cancer, because doing so means saying "no" to the next treatment that is ready and waiting.
By David Casarett. In Huffington Post

Memory Problems After Cancer: 'Chemo Brain' May Not Be Sole Cause, Study Suggests
There may be more than one factor responsible for "chemo brain" -- the term used for memory and attention impairments often experienced after undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, according to a small new study.
By Amanda L. Chan. In Huffington Post

U.S. court invalidates two Sanofi Taxotere patents‎
A U.S. court has ruled that two patents covering Sanofi's Taxotere cancer treatment are invalid, confirming a 2010 ruling that helped pave the launch of generic versions of the drug.
In Reuters.

Gene Discovery May Move Personalized Stomach Cancer Treatment Forward
Large analysis identified 600 gene mutations in cancerous cells.
In U.S. News & World Report

FDA Makes Plans to Correct Cancer-Drug Shortages in the US
Emergency efforts will keep the flow of lifesaving drugs to American doctors.
By Alice G. Walton. In The Atlantic

Short Walks May Ease Fatigue in Pancreatic Cancer Patients‎
Patients were told not to push themselves, but to do what they could comfortably.
In U.S. News & World Report

Cancer: questions over proton beam therapy
The Government is to spend £250 million on a cutting edge cancer treatment called proton beam therapy despite there being "no reliable, objective evidence" that it improves patients' lives.
By Stephen Adams. In

New in Breast Cancer Treatments: Baking Soda and Spider Venom
Breast cancer patients have an overwhelming number of treatments available to them these days, from surgery to hormone therapy to chemotherapy. But new research is leading the quest for a cure in some odd directions. If it pays off, the work could provide cancer sufferers with a perfectly tailored -- if unconventional -- treatment solution.
By Brian Fung. In The Atlantic

Dentists Play Key Role in Detecting Oral Cancer‎
Ask for screening as part of your general checkup, experts say.
In U.S. News & World Report

Taïwan : un traitement à base d'herbes mis en cause dans des cancers
Selon une récente étude américaine, un ingrédient toxique contenu dans un traitement à base d'herbes très populaire serait responsable de plus de la moitié des cas de cancer du système urinaire à Taïwan.
Dans MaxiSciences

Dépistage du cancer de la prostate: une utilité contestée
La Haute Autorité de santé réfute l'intérêt du test PSA, même pour les hommes à risque.
Par Damien Mascret. Dans Le Figaro

Un lien entre les radiographies dentaires et les tumeurs au cerveau?
Des chercheurs de l'école de médecine de Yale, à New Haven, dans l'État du Connecticut, ont découvert un lien entre les radiographies dentaires et le cancer du cerveau.

Cancer du sein : plus de 2,4 millions de femmes ont profité du dépistage organisé en 2011
Quelque 2,4 millions de Françaises ont eu recours au dépistage organisé du cancer du sein en 2011, soit près de 53% des femmes âgées de 50 à 74 ans, population cible de ce dépistage, selon les dernières données communiquées par l'Institut de veille sanitaire (InVS), jeudi 5 avril. Ce chiffre est quasiment stable par rapport aux données observées en 2010.
Dans Le Parisien

Les nanoparticules, ces molécules qui pourraient révolutionner le traitement du cancer
Ces particules ont une taille infime, environ un 5000è du diamètre d’un cheveu humain, et déchainent les passions. Selon une récente étude, elles pourraient améliorer radicalement le traitement du cancer. Mais elles inquiètent par leur omniprésence dans notre environnement et leurs effets sur l'homme.

Congrès international d'oncologie à Bordj Bou Arréridj
Les conférenciers ont traité divers thèmes relatifs à cette maladie dont les causes sont multiples: hérédité, tabagisme, alcoolisme, absence d’activité physique...
Dans El Watan

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